Step by Step Guide : How to Plan Your Content

Last Update: 09 March 2023

Article Category : Social Media
As a content creator, you know that creating valuable and engaging content is crucial to growing your brand and connecting with your audience. However, coming up with fresh ideas, deciding on formats, and staying consistent can be a challenge. That’s why we’re here to help you with a comprehensive guide to planning your content. By following our simple and effective steps, you’ll be able to create a solid plan for your content that will help you stay organised, stay focused, and ultimately, achieve your content goals. So, let’s get started!

1. Brainstorm New Ideas/Look for Inspiration

The first step in planning your content is to brainstorm new ideas or look for inspiration. Start by brainstorming different ideas that your audience might find interesting. This could include:
– Topics related to your industry (i.e., marketing, SEO, etc.)
– Topics related to current events or news stories in the news (i.e., Football Match)
– Topics related to an event or occasion that’s coming up (i.e., Ramadan)

If you want more inspiration, look at what other brands are doing and get ideas from them!

You can do this by checking out other blogs, or simply jotting down ideas as they come to you. You can also use tools like Google Trends, BuzzSumo, AnswerThePublic, or Feedly to get ideas for your content.
For example, AnswerThePublic, You can try to enter the topic that you want to brandstorm, i.e., Ramadan sales. And you will see results like the image below.


2. Pick 7 of Your Best Ideas & Create a Headline

Once you have a list of ideas, it’s time to narrow them down to the best seven. Consider which ideas align with your brand or your goals, and which ones are likely to engage your audience. Once you’ve chosen your seven ideas, create headlines for each post and decide which format you will use. Will it be a blog post, a social media post, or a video? This will help you stay focused and consistent with your content.

You can try to use ChatGPT to create a catchy headline, for example;


You can use those headlines for your content.

3. Write Down All Your Posts Considering the Format of Each Post

With your seven ideas and formats in mind, it’s time to start writing. Write down all your posts, considering the format of each post. For example, if you’re creating a video, you’ll need to write a script. If you’re writing a blog post, you’ll need to create an outline. Make sure to include all the necessary details and information. For social media posts, draft captions that are short and attention-grabbing. Remember to use language that aligns with your brand and your audience.

4. Film All the Takes You Need for Your Reels

If you plan to create reels or videos, film all the takes you need. Make sure you have good lighting, good sound quality, and a clean background. Be creative with your shots and make sure your content is visually engaging.

5. Design Your Carousel and Single Post + Reels Covers

Once you have your content ready, it’s time to design your carousel and single post + reels covers. Use a graphic design tool like Canva or Adobe Photoshop to create eye-catching graphics that will grab your audience’s attention. Make sure to use high-quality images and fonts that match your brand’s style.
You can use these free tools to help you design your content.

Canva (
Freepik (
Pexel (
Vista (

6. Edit Your Reels

Now that you have your footage and graphics, it’s time to edit your reels. Use video editing software like Adobe Premiere or CapCut to cut your footage, add transitions, and adjust the color grading. Make sure your reels are visually appealing and tell a story that resonates with your audience.

7. Write the Caption Research, the Best Hashtags, and Schedule Your Post

The last step in planning your content is to write the caption, research the best hashtags, and schedule your post. Your caption should be engaging, informative, and relevant to your content. Use hashtags that are popular and relevant to your niche. You can use the social media calendar to schedule your post at the best time for your audience. Learn how to Create Social Media Calender and Download Free Template for your social media


In conclusion, planning your content is essential to your success as a blogger or content creator. By following these seven steps, you can create a solid plan for your content that will help you stay organised, consistent, and focused on your goals. Remember to be creative, authentic, and have fun with your content!

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