Why Small Businesses Should Consider Hiring a Social Media Agency

Last Update: 01 August 2024

Author : Ferdaus
Article Category : Marketing | Social Media
As a small business owner, you know how important social media marketing is for your business. With millions of active users on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

In Singapore, social media usage is exceptionally high. As of 2024, there are 5.13 million social media users in the country, representing 85% of the population (Meltwater, 2024).

It means social media gives you a great opportunity to reach more people, engage with customers, and build your brand. But getting started with social media marketing can be tough, especially if you have limited time and resources.

This article is for small business owners who find it hard to start or manage their social media but understand its importance.

We will discuss how hiring a social media agency can help you achieve your goals.

Common Social Media Marketing Challenges for Small Businesses

These social media marketing challenges are not just unique to you; many small business owners face them too.

1. Lack of expertise and knowledge

One of the biggest hurdles small businesses face with social media marketing is a lack of expertise and knowledge.

Social media platforms are constantly changing, with new features, algorithms, and best practices emerging regularly.

Without a deep understanding of these elements, small businesses struggle to create effective strategies and content that connect with their audience. This gap in knowledge often leads to poor results and missed opportunities.

2. Time constraints

Running a small business involves handling many responsibilities, from managing operations to serving customers. Adding social media management to the list can be overwhelming.

Creating quality content, scheduling posts, engaging with followers, and analysing performance all require significant time and effort.

Many small business owners simply do not have the time to dedicate to these tasks, leading to inconsistent social media activity and reduced effectiveness.

3. Limited resources and budget

Small businesses often operate with tight budgets and limited resources. Investing in professional-grade tools, hiring skilled personnel, or even allocating funds for paid social media campaigns can be challenging.

This financial constraint forces many small businesses to rely on basic tools and minimal staff, which can hinder their ability to execute a strong social media strategy and compete with larger businesses that have more resources.

How a Social Media Agency Can Solve Small Business Challenges

1. Expertise and Specialised Knowledge

Social media agencies bring a wealth of expertise and specialised knowledge to the table.

They stay up-to-date with the latest trends, platform changes, and best practices, ensuring that your social media strategy is always cutting-edge.

By leveraging their experience, agencies can create effective strategies and content that resonate with your audience, bridging the gap in expertise that many small businesses face.

At Neu Entity, we have a team of more than 20 experts in branding, social media marketing, creative work, and video production to manage your social media marketing.

2. Access to Advanced Tools and Analytics

Agencies use professional-grade tools for detailed performance tracking and audience analysis.

These tools, which might be too costly for small businesses to purchase independently, provide valuable insights that inform strategy adjustments and optimise content performance.

Small businesses benefit from these insights without the high costs of purchasing the tools themselves, ensuring data-driven decisions that enhance marketing efforts.

3. Consistent Management and Engagement

Agencies ensure regular posting, prompt responses, and active engagement with followers. This consistency helps build trust and loyalty among your audience.

A social media agency manages the day-to-day tasks of content scheduling, monitoring social media channels, and interacting with followers. This consistent management ensures that your social media presence remains active and engaging.

Regular engagement helps in building a loyal community of followers who are more likely to convert into customers. Additionally, prompt responses to customer inquiries and comments enhance customer satisfaction and trust.

4. Tailored Strategies to Meet Business Goals

Agencies develop customised strategies aligned with your specific goals, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving traffic, or boosting sales.

They create plans that maximise your social media potential and deliver measurable results.

A social media agency works closely with you to understand your business objectives and target audience.

This collaboration results in a tailored strategy that addresses your unique needs and challenges.

The agency continuously monitors the performance of the strategy, making adjustments as necessary to ensure that your goals are met efficiently.

5. Optimising Limited Resources and Budget

Small businesses often operate with tight budgets and limited resources. Hiring a social media agency can be a cost-effective solution.

Instead of investing in expensive tools, software, and full-time staff, you get access to a team of experts and advanced resources for a fraction of the cost.

Agencies can efficiently allocate your budget towards the most impactful strategies and campaigns, ensuring you get the best return on investment without overspending.


If you face the same challenges mentioned above, consider hiring a social media marketing agency to help manage your social media and increase your online presence.

With 5.13 million users in Singapore, the potential reach is immense. A social media agency like Neu Entity offers specialised knowledge, advanced tools, consistent management, and tailored strategies to meet your goals.

This partnership allows you to optimise your resources and achieve effective results without the high costs of in-house management.

For more details on how Neu Entity can help your business succeed on social media, reach out to us at Neu Entity’s contact page.

Let’s Talk!

If what you see here is relevant for you and can help you grow your business or organisation, we’d love to discuss further with you. Drop us a message or schedule an appointment with us.