3 Content Ideas About Ramadan 2024 for Your F&B Business

Last Update: 18 February 2024

Author : Imran Tahir
Article Category : Marketing | Social Media
Table of Contents
When is Ramadan 2024?
Importance of Social Media During Ramadan
F&B Business Content Ideas

Ramadan, the holy month of fasting, reflection, and community, presents a unique opportunity for Food and Beverage (F&B) businesses to enhance their social media presence.

During this time, the significance of food in daily rituals—such as Iftar (the evening meal to break the fast) and Suhoor (the pre-dawn meal)—amplifies, making it an ideal period for F&B outlets to connect with their audience.

We’ll explore the importance of social media posts during Ramadan 2024 and provide three innovative content ideas tailored for your F&B business, ensuring your offerings resonate with the spirit and traditions of this holy month.

When is Ramadan 2024?

According to Muslimaid.orgThe Ramadan start date for 2024 is anticipated to be on 10 or 11 March, subject to the moon’s sighting over Mecca or respective countries.

This period of 29 or 30 days, concluding around 9 April, ushers in the days of Eid al-Fitr, expected to start around 10 April, with a margin of variation.

This time of fasting, reflection, and community offers an unparalleled opportunity for Food and Beverage (F&B) businesses to elevate their social media engagement​​.

The Importance of Social Media During Ramadan

The holy month of Ramadan, a time of reflection and community, also sees a significant shift in consumer behavior, particularly in the digital realm.

A staggering 70% of Muslims agree that social media has become a crucial conduit for discovering attractive deals and promotions during Ramadan, facilitating a more convenient shopping experience (TGM Research).

This digital shift is not just about convenience; it’s a transformative change in the way Ramadan’s observances and commercial activities intertwine.

Moreover, insights from Meta highlight that 68% of consumer spending during Ramadan is directed towards Food and Beverage sectors.

This statistic underscores the critical role that F&B businesses play during this period, not just in catering to the traditional aspects of Iftar and Suhoor meals but also in meeting the heightened demand for quality and convenience that modern consumers seek.

This convergence of tradition and modernity, facilitated by social media, presents a unique opportunity for F&B businesses. By leveraging these platforms, businesses can tap into the zeitgeist of Ramadan, offering content and promotions that resonate deeply with the values and daily practices of their audience.

F&B Business Content Ideas during Ramadan

1. Iftar & Suhoor Offers

Highlighting special offers for Iftar and Suhoor can attract attention and drive sales. Share mouth-watering images of your special dishes, along with details of any special deals or promotions.

Consider creating time-limited offers to create a sense of urgency and encourage sharing among friends and family.

2. Traditions & Celebrations

traditions post
Ramadan is steeped in rich traditions and cultural celebrations. Share content that celebrates these aspects, such as posts about traditional foods, the significance of Ramadan in different cultures, or how your business is participating in or observing these traditions.

This can help to educate your audience and showcase your brand’s appreciation for cultural diversity.

3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

csr content
Ramadan is also a time for giving and charity. Share how your business is giving back to the community during this holy month. Whether it’s through donations, charity events, or volunteer work, highlighting your CSR initiatives can significantly boost your brand’s image and encourage others to participate in the spirit of giving.


Maximising Ramadan’s Potential through Social Media Ramadan offers a golden opportunity for F&B businesses to engage with their audience in a meaningful way.

By focusing on relevant content that resonates with the spirit of Ramadan—such as special offers, cultural insights, and CSR activities—businesses can strengthen their social media presence and foster a deeper connection with their customers.

This Ramadan, let your F&B business shine by embracing the values of this sacred month and reflecting them in your social media strategy.

For more insights and assistance in elevating your social media campaign this Ramadan, feel free to reach out to us at Neu Entity.

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